How to Get Your Article Published in a Scholarly Journal

After the countless hours you have spent writing a piece that you think needs to be seen by a wider set of scholarly audience, what do you do next? In this article, we at provide some tips on how you can get your piece published in a scholarly journal.

Firstly, be sure to pick the right journal. Check to see if there are any journals with a special interest on the topics that you have written about. Do not be apprehensive to check with the editor of a special issue journal to inquire whether your paper is a right fit for their publication. Also talk to people around you before deciding on which journal may be right for you.  Check your bibliography section to determine where the references are from. It is best to submit your paper to a well-known publication first. If your paper is not accepted, choose a lesser-known journal as your second choice.

When you are getting the paper ready, keep the journal’s review process in mind. You will be required to meet all the requirements outlined by the journal. A failure to meet all their requirements will result in your paper being sent back to you for further revision. A good way to understand the requirements of the journal is to read some articles in the journal and write your paper so that it matches the journal’s style. Getting your journal published is similar to cracking a job interview. Some amount of Research about the journal is required so that you get an understanding of what it publishes.

If your publishing journal allows you to suggest reviewers for your article, pick the right ones. Choose ones who are not likely to have any conflicting interests with your work. Also, avoid the temptation to suggest well-known names in the field as they may not have the time to review your piece. Instead, pick people who are interested in your topic. Your title and abstract should have the effect of generating the interest of the reviewers as these are the sections that potential reviewers look at before deciding whether or not they will review an article.

After you send your piece to the journal, check its publication status on the website. If your article is stuck on the same status for a length of time, send a polite and inquiry, asking if anything can be done to move it along. Mentioning the reason for your urgency can be beneficial.

Category : Journal Publication
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