Publication Ethics and the Responsibilities of People Associated with It

In an age of information technology and the information profusion, it is difficult to help people make a difference with quality filled information from everything else. When we write an article and is sure about its quality, then we shouldn’t feel that all jobs are done. We should be very careful about the publication ethics to be followed. There are some duties and responsibilities of peoples associated with the publication of any article, journal etc. Please have a look.

Responsibilities of Editors

1. The editor is responsible to take publication decision.
2. To conduct a Fair play.
3. To preserve the confidentiality of the article.
4. For the disclosure and conflicts of interest.
5. He is also involved and has to do the cooperation in investigations.

Responsibilities of Reviewers

1. Reviewer is responsible to contribute in editorial decision.
2. For the promptness.
3. Again for the confidentiality.
4. To maintain the standards of objectivity.
5. To have a check on acknowledgement of source.
6. For the disclosure and conflicts of interest.

Responsibilities of Authors

1. Author is responsible for reporting standards.
2. For the data access and retention.
3. To preserve the originality and to have a check on plagiarism.
4. To have a check on multiple, superfluous, or concurrent publication.
5. For the acknowledgement of sources.
6. For the authorship of the paper.
7. To have a check on hazards, human, or animal subjects.
8. For the disclosure and conflicts of interest.
9. To have a check on basic errors in published works.

Responsibility of publisher

A publisher is committed to ensure that advertising, reprinting or other profitable profits has no impact or manipulation on editorial decisions. Furthermore, the publisher will give their assistance communicating with other journals and publishers which is useful to editors. In conclusion, they can work closely with other publishers and industry associations to set standards for finest practices on ethical matter, errors and retractions. They should always be prepared to give specialized legal review and counsel if necessary.

Category : Publication Ethics
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